Felicia Rondo logo, consisting of a shiny interconnecting golden ‘F’ and ‘R.’

Canon Ages

Art - Published: September 11, 2018
A 2-panel comic poking fun at various Sonic fans who make a big deal about the canonical age gaps of Sonic characters in shipping. In the first panel, dated for the year 2018, there is a big-headed fire-breathing SonAmy fan who is shouting, “Stop shipping these characters! There’s a literal canonical age gap!!!” In the second panel, dated for the year 1998, a man wearing a white collared shirt with a black tie who has a stylized blue ‘S’ for a head shrugs his shoulders while saying, “so Amy’s gone from canonically being half Sonic’s age to just 3 years apart because we say so lol.”

© Felicia Rondo