Felicia Rondo logo, written in shining gold with a royal blue outline and a sunflower beside it.

Legal Disclaimer: I do not own Star Fox or any of its associated characters, I do not claim ownership of Star Fox or any of its associated characters, nor am I making profit from this original work of fan-fiction that was created and published for entertainment purposes only. The Star Fox series is created and owned by Nintendo of America, Inc. All rights of Star Fox belong to Nintendo of America, Inc.

Keeping an Open Mind

Written by Felicia Rondo, Rated 18+, Published: 2/15/2023

Summary: Snapshot of a morning between two lovers - one telepathic, the other… very open-minded.

Contains: Open-Telepathic Relationship, Mind-Reading, Past Consensual Gangbang, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Non-Verbal Communication, Discussion of Alien Women and their Amazing Cocks, Sexual Roleplay, Femdom, and Affectionate Use of the Term ‘Slut.’

Do you ever wake up with your eyes closed? Your dream is over, the day is just behind your eyelids, but still they’re closed. You can hear the morning singing its song, you can feel the obligations of the day enter the forefront of your mind and compel you to get up, but you can just keep lying where you are like you’re still asleep.

That doesn’t really work for Fox… at least not since he started sleeping with a telepath. A telepath whose gaze he could almost feel as it rested upon him.

“Morning, Krystal,” Fox spoke softly, eyes still closed, his voice low and gravely as he had yet to fully awaken, “what’s on your mind?”

“It’s what’s on yours, actually,” Krystal smiled, brushing his scruffy cheek, revealing she’d been peeking into his mind that morning. Fox doubted there was all that much to find in it at that hour.

“That was quite the adventure you were just dreaming about,” she remarked, to his surprise, “did it really happen that way?”

“Hm? What way, what happened?” Fox asked, finally opening his eyes, before the memory of his dream returned to him, “Oh, that time in the Windallia system? Mostly, yeah. We got captured after Slippy accidentally crash-landed onto the planet, I successfully negotiated our release, and we got back to our mission after Slippy finished repairs.”

“You make it sound so boring,” Krystal chuckled, “I’m sure the ship’s log of the event makes no mention of you being passed around by your Zynaxian captors,” she teased, causing Fox to shift awkwardly.

“I uh… don’t think the specifics of the negotiations were terribly relevant to the ship’s log,” he replied, “what’s most important is we were able to leave on good terms and complete the mission,” he dodged, sitting up in bed and beginning to stretch his back. Krystal gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Was that too far?” asked Krystal, concernedly, “I’m sorry, Fox, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have looked—” she began, only for Fox to place his fingertip on her lips.

“It’s ok, Krystal - remember, I was the one who said you could look in my head anytime you liked,” Fox reminded her, giving her a reassuring smile, “I’m still getting used to being this open with someone, but I’ve got nothing in here that I want to keep from you,” he said, as he took his fingertip from her lips to his right temple and tapped it twice for emphasis.

“If you say so,” she smiled back, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning over his shoulder to relax with him.

For most people, taking the step of leaving your mind completely open for your partner to read would be unthinkable. It was one-sided as well, since Fox couldn’t read Krystal in that way, but he didn’t mind.

The way he saw it, telepathy was a part of Krystal. It was another piece of awareness she got to have of those around her, and Fox would no sooner ask her not to read his mind than he would ask her not to look at him or listen to what he said. Others felt differently, and Krystal respected their boundaries accordingly, but Fox felt strongly about not asking her to close herself off from the mind of her partner.

“While we’re being so open…” Krystal started, with a playful tone to her voice as she stroked his chest, “… was it as fun as it looked?” When Fox turned to look back at her, she had that half-lidded look in her eyes he always loved.

“I think you already know the answer to that,” he laughed, “oh, no, getting gangbanged by a bunch of hung women was so terrible,” he joked, finally letting his stoicism around the event let up a little. Reaching down to the end table beside their bed, he turned off the Cornerian skyline simulation on his window and stopped the audio loop he had of wind in trees.

“Officially-speaking, my devotion and concern for my team were what convinced them of my good intentions,” he remarked more seriously, turning to Krystal, “I like to think the dedication to their pleasure that I showed that night just… helped us to solidify a future alliance.”

“An alliance?” Krystal probed, a hint of curiosity in that voice of hers that sounded just like how honey tasted.

“Windallia’s in the middle of various systems we frequent, we’ve passed by it dozens of times without meaning to - you never know when you might end up in the neighborhood and need to call in a favor,” he explained, turning away and scratching the back of his head, “Peppy always tells me you can never have too many friends in our line of work, anyway.”

Finally ready to face the rest of the day, Fox began to get out of bed… only for Krystal to wrap her feet around his neck and pull him back in.

“I think I could use a ‘favor,’ while you’re here, Fox,” she stated authoritatively, taking control of the situation swiftly and without hesitation, leaving him pinned between her legs, “If you make it worth my while, I promise I’ll consider releasing you,” she winked.

Blushing, Fox chuckled, “I guess I have no choice,” and began lapping at Krystal’s cunt. She wrapped her legs around his neck for a firmer grip, and kept his face buried there as he tasted her cunt like a man starved.

Krystal stroked his ears, caressing his head gently as he pushed his tongue deep into her cunt, occasionally giving his head a squeeze with her thighs. She loved taking charge, and he loved giving it to her.

“It may not be the thick member of a Zynaxian,” Krystal moaned, “but I’m sure you’ll make the most of your situation nonetheless…!”

“I’m not picky,” he said with a grin while briefly pulling away, before being pulled back in once again, getting back to the important business of making a meal out of her dripping-wet pussy.

There was certainly a world of difference between the two, Krystal and the Zynaxians he met - back then, his input was largely centered around how tight he could make himself for their powerful womanly cocks. His mouth, his ass, his thighs, wherever they were coming at him from. Krystal had a far more tender and romantic touch, even during this impromptu roleplay, though he still appreciated the forcefulness of the Zynaxians that had taken him and the team captive.

But the joy of womanly dominance was what he’d missed most from that time in the Windallia system, and Krystal was providing it in spades. She gripped the sheets tightly, only taking care not to squeeze her thighs as tightly around his neck to avoid causing her love actual serious harm.

What time they had left before someone else on the ship got suspicious at how long it was taking them to get up was probably limited, but Fox figured they were going to enjoy it for however much longer it would last.

“Uhh, Fox? Krystal? Are you two up yet?” came the awkward voice of Slippy, accompanied by a few soft knocks on the door.

“I think I just jinxed us,” Fox whispered from between Krystal’s legs, before bringing his lips to her clit and sucking on it.

“Nnngh! M-me too,” Krystal spoke softly, through gritted teeth, while keeping her legs locked around Fox’s neck and closing her eyes, “Keep going… j-just keep going, h-harder, I’m almost… a-almost…!”

“I uhh, I can come back later,” Slippy said, unable to decide whether he should be speaking up or keeping quiet after receiving no response, “I think Falco’s a little cranky, though, so he might be over pretty soon to see what the hold-up is!”

“Krystal!” Fox called in a hushed voice, making her open her eyes to see him tap his right temple twice again. His eyes were intense, and his thoughts had become too strong for her not to overhear anyway, so she looked…

You taste so damn good, Krystal,” she heard echoing in his mind, as Fox dug his fingers into Krystal’s hips and sucked harder, “I wanna eat you until it hurts,” he thought, his moans growing louder and more passionate with hers, pushing as hard and fast as he could to send her over the edge…

“Nnn… yess…!” Krystal let out a shuddering sigh, digging her claws into the back of his head as his tongue sent shockwaves of pleasure through her whole body, “don’t stop, Fox… don’t you dare stop…!”

I’m not stopping until you say so, Krystal,” he vowed, looking deeply into her eyes as he worshiped her cunt, “not when my mouth is sore, not when everyone else on the ship tries to pull me away - I’m gonna keep tasting you and relishing every minute of it until you tell me I have to stop.

“Yes, F-Fox…! YES…!!!” Krystal nearly howled in satisfaction as she came, her cunt gushing its love into Fox’s eager mouth from a much-needed climax. Though he could only guess what was on her mind, he knew that, if she looked into his, she’d find all the love in the galaxy… all for her.

Stop,” she telepathically-ordered Fox, loosening her grip around his head at long last and letting him pull away for his first gasps of air in maybe a little too long.

In a romantic, sweaty haze, Fox slumped down on the bed with Krystal. Both of them panted like that, for a blissful minute that was not in any hurry to end, and enjoyed the peace of that moment together.

“Alright, lovebirds, time to get up already,” Falco announced, sliding open the door as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, only to discover… exactly what position his two colleagues were in, and what they had clearly been doing.

“U-uhh… hey uh, Falco,” Fox stammered, while a very satisfied Krystal merely smiled and waved at him.

“Fox, come on,” Falco rolled his eyes, “can’t you keep it in your pants long enough so we can get to work already?”

“A-actually, she started it,” Fox chuckled nervously, pointing to Krystal, who could only giggle in response as she leisurely made her way down from that blissful climax.

“Yeah, sure she did, ya big slut,” Falco shook his head, just to give Fox a hard time more than out of any disbelief, “just get your ass on the bridge as soon as you’re decent, ’kay?”

Fox gave a nod to his colleague, who left the two shortly after. Thankfully Fox had swallowed any mess they would’ve had to clean up after, so they only needed to shower up and get in uniform before meeting with the rest of the crew.

Not much else was said that morning, only partly due to the awkwardness of getting walked in on. Fox never had that problem before, back when it was just him and the guys, but he wouldn’t trade what he had now for anything. He was still close with the other members of Star Fox, but the intimate connection that he’d only recently developed with Krystal made anyone else feel almost like a stranger.

Otherwise, it felt like everything they needed to communicate to one another that morning had shown through in the love they made. Sometimes a comfortable silence speaks words more beautiful than anything you could say yourself.

Krystal did turn to Fox, however, to whisper the most beautiful words he had heard all morning, amidst the sound of hot water hitting their fur in a very chastely-romantic shower,

“I love you…”

Smiling back at her, Fox gave her a meaningful look in the eyes and simply tapped his right temple twice once again. She didn’t need to read his mind to know why, but her heart still fluttered just a little when she read his response in his open mind,

I love you too.

The End

Author’s Notes: This was (I think) my first time writing a Star Fox fan-fic, and I had a lot of fun doing it! I love these characters so much, so it was great to sit down and figure out what they’d be doing if I was writing a story for them.

The Zynaxians that the Star Fox team encountered in the events that are referenced in this story are Windallians, but they’re not the only people on Windallia - I just haven’t fleshed that out because I haven’t needed to. It is important, however, that I make clear there’s no one dominant species on a new made-up planet. I did my best to convey that in the story, but I figure it couldn’t hurt to say so here as well.

I think those Zynaxians taking these mercenaries they’ve never met captive is probably for the best, as they had no frame of reference for what their intentions may be. Also, sex was not a payment for Fox’s release, as in this situation that would have been coercive. It was more something he did that helped prove his good nature to these strangers.

Maybe that’s still too much for some people, which is understandable. Fox didn’t mind it, the Zynaxians showed him a great time while they were at it, and the Star Fox team came away from the incident with new allies. All’s well that ends well? :)

Thanks for reading!

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