A scene depicting Sonic sat on the edge of a bed, facing a mirror while stroking his cock off, mouth agape and face flushed. In the mirror, there is a reflection of himself, but in the reflection Tails is there and is stroking Sonic’s cock off instead. The palette of the room actually kinda looks like the Ace pride flag! This wasn’t in my notes and Honeydew hasn’t mentioned anything about it, so it might just be a happy accident. Looks lovely, though! When clicked on, the image links back to Honeydew’s Ko-fi!
Cover image commissioned from qqHoneydew.

Legal Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog or any of its associated characters, I do not claim ownership of Sonic the Hedgehog or any of its associated characters, nor am I making profit from this original work of fan-fiction that was created and published for entertainment purposes only. The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is created by owned by SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc. All rights of Sonic the Hedgehog belong to SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc.

Sonic’s Birthday Handjob

Summary: It’s Sonic’s 26th Birthday and Tails cryptically tells him to come visit aer workshop right away. What follows is perhaps the strangest yet hottest night of the hedgehog’s life.

Contains: Mind-transferring, inscrutable sci-fi technology, teasing, and lovey-dovey feelings all around!

Once again, against all odds, Sonic was met with his greatest foe… waiting.

He didn’t know where it came from when it hit him, how it could possibly have snuck up on him - he thought he was just gonna check up on Tails after receiving a strange text insisting that he visit aer workshop straight away but, upon arriving and being let in by the fox, he was asked to wait for ‘just a minute.’ Little did he know, it would feel like the longest so-called ‘minute’ of his life.

It was just a minute, though.

When at last Tails returned to Sonic’s vicinity, ae had perhaps the most ridiculous-looking piece of tech Sonic had ever seen, as big as it seemed heavy. “What decade of sci-fi did you pull that number out of, Tails?” Sonic laughed, “it’s a bit much, don’tcha think?”

His ribbing did little to phase the fox, he noticed, as the device was laid right before him. “Why, Tails,” Sonic began, affecting a ‘posh’ cadence, “what ever do you plan to do with that contraption?” He rolled the R’s in the word ‘contraption.’ Still, no reaction from the fox.

“So,” Tails spoke up, finally, “would you mind helping me test this out? It requires a test subject, and since you’re so brave and adventurous,” ae stroked the hedgehog’s ego artfully, just enough to warm him up to the idea sufficiently, “I figured you’d be the one to ask! Are you up to it?” By then, Sonic was nodding so rapidly his face was a blur.

“Thanks, Sonic,” Tails smiled, a tired smile that was eager to get to the fun part of their evening.

A ‘helmet’ of sorts was put on the hedgehog’s head, and then another on the fox’s head aerself. It was then that Tails pulled a lever, and what sounded almost like dubstep to Sonic began to play from the machine.

“Okay, so you made a stereo. I dunno what the big deal is or why you needed me to come see it,” Sonic started to chuckle, when suddenly—right in front of him—the life seemed to drain from Tails’s eyes. “Tails? Oh god, oh please god no! Tails!” Sonic reacted, blood pumping, kneeling down to get a hold of the fox’s lifeless body, before something seemed to… enter him.

Hey Sonic,” the voice of Tails echoed in his mind.

Shaking his head and unintentionally making the helmet fall off, fully expecting to wake up from what had to have been a dream, Sonic reacted, “No way, no way. This isn’t happening.” He buried his face in his hands and shut his eyes tight, until his eyes were opened seemingly on their own and he was stood up straight with his hands to his side.

“Uhhn…” Sonic grit his teeth, feeling the very worst headache of his very life, as he was ‘walked’ to a room that had been added since the last time he visited Tails’s workshop. “Where am I going?” Sonic asked.

Not having to wait another moment to receive his answer, Tails casually replied in Sonic’s mind, “We’re gonna have fun, now.” Sonic’s body sat on the edge of the bed, with a large mirror reflecting the scene back to him.

You like the view? It’s your favorite person,” he heard Tails remark. His gaze was focused on himself through the mirror, and his left hand was raised. His right hand carefully removed the left’s glove… then, to Sonic’s surprise, his nude hand was lowered to his stomach… then, lower.You’re gonna like this. I know, I can feel you getting excited.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking a-about—ooooohhh…” Sonic moaned, his naked hand wrapping its digits around his shaft. “G-god, Tails, I-I don’t know what to s-say… I f-feel a little weird, you doing this… I mean, I’ve known ya for a long time and all…” he blushed, turning from blue to red all but literally, squirming in every part of his body the fox allowed him to squirm in.

His mind was filled with the sound of Tails giggling mischievously. “It’s your 26th birthday, Sonic. I’m turning 19 later this year, in case you forgot,” ae reminded the hedgehog whose body ae was inhabiting and controlling, pumping the shaft of the speedster’s dick at a slow pace to start. “I bet you go much faster than this when you do it on your own,” Tails said, forming a smirk on the hedgehog’s mouth while keeping his eyes locked on his reflection. Ae could feel the hedgehog begin to sweat more upon hearing aer words in his mind, before ae guided his gaze downward.

The member was swelling, and Sonic was moaning more and more. Chuckling nervously, Sonic said, “Y-y’know, Tails, usually I-I don’t look at myself th-this much wh-when I… when I uh…” his gaze was moved back to his reflection, and he could all but see Tails looking back at him through his own reflection. “… when I d-do this, I mean, haha…” He could feel Tails’s giggles in his chest. They really had merged into one, at least for the time being.

Right as Sonic began to settle into it, Tails began to pick up the pace, pumping his cock faster and faster, not pausing for even a moment. The other, still-gloved hand went to grope at his smooth chest. He could feel the fox’s yearning, aer desire, and… it was driving him up the wall. “H-how are you using my body?” He asked, amidst his moans.

It’s all will. I’m focusing really hard and it wins out over your will,” Tails answered in the hedgehog’s head, without thinking much of it, continuing to pump the hedgehog’s cock to aer heart’s content with the blue blur’s own nude hand, before the hand was halted. “H-huh?” He could hear the fox go, “What’s happening?… Oh, there’s no way you… You didn’t…” Tails continued, as the hedgehog stood up once more and walked back to where they had left the twin-tailed body hijacker’s own body. Sonic put the fallen helmet back on and pulled the lever back the other direction. “I wanted it to last longer…” he could hear Tails’s spirit speak, before it faded from his mind and returned to its original ‘home.’

As the fox regained aer bearings, ae blinked aer vision back into focus and met the half-lidded eyes of aer ‘test subject,’ bent over and looking down at aer on the ground. “Well, Tails, that was an interesting little experiment you did on me.

“Now,” he smirked, “I think it’s time I volunteered you for an experiment of my own - how quickly can the fastest thing alive make his favorite fox cum?” Tails could see there was something new in Sonic’s gaze, where before it appeared to only offer a window into the soul of a hedgehog solely interested in going fast and not much else, there was desire and much more behind it now.

There was little time to reflect on this new development, as Sonic’s body quickly came up against aers as if a magnetic force drew him to the fox’s body. Ae was lifted up off the ground and pressed against the wall of aer workshop, aer mouth meeting Sonic’s in a passionate liplock.

Mmmmmmfffffffff…” Tails moaned as ae lost aerself in the kiss, enjoying every last moment of it while the hedgehog grinded their bodies against one another. To say it was beyond the twin-tailed fox’s wildest dreams would be a gross understatement, an insult to the English language itself. It was the kind of moment that would stay with the fox forever, through good times and bad times, with aer always.

Before another thought could cross aer mind, Tails came. Sonic followed, shortly afterward. As they both caught their breath respectively, Tails confessed, “You know… I must admit… I was fully expecting you… t-to cum… first…” This earned Tails a very particular ‘look’ from the hedgehog. “You… had to know someone was gonna… gonna say that, sometime, haha…” the fox laughed, which elicited a smile from the sapphire hedgehog.

“What do you say we not let that nice bed you have over there go to waste?” Sonic suggested, carrying them back to the room the fox had previously guided him into, then laying the fox onto the bed and lying down alongside aer. “You really surprised me, today, y’know. I didn’t think you were into this sort of stuff,” he mentioned.

Tails laughed, “Right, like I’m going to come up to you and say hey, I wanna take over your mind and make you masturbate and grope yourself.” This earned laughter from the hedgehog beside aer, who ae proceeded to snuggle up closer to. “Happy birthday, Sonic,” ae said, before nuzzling him softly. Sonic smiled. It wasn’t exactly what he was expecting for a birthday celebration - no, it was much better.

The End

Author’s Notes: Happy anniversary! I hope this was a pleasant surprise. It was definitely a pleasant surprise for me to hear you still remembered this old story. <3 I used to be more embarrassed by it, but reading it over while putting this page together and getting the commission gave me a new appreciation for it. :)

I don’t know how noticeable it is, but I did make some adjustments to the story. I did my best to strike a balance between appreciating what I made back then while putting the effort in to make sure this is the best version of the story I can give to you. I obviously made it so ae/aer was used on Tails, but otherwise I mainly changed some words and dialogue here and there for clarity and added more linebreaks to make it more readable.

I’ve told you so before, but things like this can never be said enough, so I’ll say it again - I love you, I always will, and I’m so glad that we met and that we could become part of each other’s lives. You changed my life for the better, and you deserve only the best from life.

Originally-published on June 23, 2017

Did I ruin it? Here’s the original, too!