Felicia Rondo logo, consisting of a shiny interconnecting golden ‘F’ and ‘R.’

Animal Crossing Stream #1: New Town! Part 1

Stream VODs - Published: September 21, 2022
Thumbnail for part 1 of Felicia and Wynne’s first stream of Animal Crossing. It features a cat named Rover looking shocked on a train, exclaiming, “Oh, whoops!”

We move to a new town with no plan, no money, and no friends where we’re going! They sure made some deliberate choices with this game’s premise…

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Sonic and the Black Knight Stream #1

Stream VODs - Published: September 21, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s first stream of Sonic and the Black Knight. It features Sonic confidently-spinning a chilidog, with a purple-haired magician behind him, surrounded by evil knights of the underworld.

Can’t always be the hero! We set out on a grand adventure to kill royalty!

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Sonic Unleashed Stream #6

Stream VODs - Published: September 17, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s sixth stream of Sonic Unleashed. It features the entrance to Eggmanland, with large purple letters dazzlingly displaying the title of the park above a neon-lit approximation of Dr. Eggman’s face.

Apologies for the sudden ending here, the internet cut out and cut the stream short.

We race to the end of the game at super speed!
… Just gotta get past all these very 2008 speedbumps first!

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Sonic Unleashed Stream #5

Stream VODs - Published: September 15, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s fifth stream of Sonic Unleashed. It features a victorious Sonic giving a thumbs-up at the end of an action level from the game.

We embark on some side questing and prepare for the endgame!

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Nintendo Direct Co-Stream

Stream VODs - Published: September 14, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s live-streamed reaction of a Nintendo Direct broadcast, featuring a sharply-dressed man standing in front of a red background.

We watch and hashtag react to the latest Nintendo Directions!

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Sonic Unleashed Stream #4

Stream VODs - Published: September 9, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s fourth stream of Sonic Unleashed. It features a young man named Shadi beginning a dialogue in Shamar.

We keep going round and round in this silly world as we are on fast approach to the end!

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Sonic Unleashed Stream #3

Stream VODs - Published: September 7, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s third stream of Sonic Unleashed. It features a little girl named Yilin beginning a dialogue in Chun-nan village.

We return after a long and unintended break to great success and only a small amount of confusion!

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Bit Silly Book Club: IDW Sonic the Hedgehog #52 (SPOILERS)

Stream VODs - Published: August 26, 2022
Thumbnail for the stream VOD of Bit Silly Book Club’s review of IDW Sonic #52. It features the cover, the Bit Silly Book Club logo, the release date, and the credits as featured in the comic.

With Evan Stanley’s return to the main series, things are looking up! We talk about how our favorite writer on the book has started to pull the comic out of its recent nosedive.

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Gamescom Co-Stream! Dreams DO Come True!

Stream VODs - Published: August 24, 2022
Thumbnail for Felicia and Wynne’s live-streamed reaction of Gamescom, featuring the logo for the event in front of an angular geometric background. Underneath it is white Comic Sans MS text that reads, “Or… Dreams DO Come True”

In which we ramble over the latest Geoff Keighley-hosted video game marketing demonstration. It sure happened.

Originally broadcasted on Twitch. Watch live at twitch.tv/bitsillyplays!

Small-Town Spider

Original Fiction - Rated: 18+, Published: August 24, 2022

One night in an old barn, a hootenanny goes down that tears the heart of a small town clean out. Things get said that can never be taken back, lives are changed irreversibly, and one life is outright lost. It was a night like so many others - and for one small-town spider, it was one night too many. Read!