Rondo of Blog - Published: March 20, 2024
Today is, as of writing, the last day you can pre-order The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings if you want to make it into the Special Thanks section of the book. Anyone who pre-orders after will be in the app, still, but I think it goes without saying the significance of having your name make it into the first printing. You can pre-order here.
Whether you go and pre-order it now or later, or if you’re looking back at this after the book’s come out, I think it’s gonna be worth the read. Today, I feel moved to write a little about what The Lara-Su Chronicles means to me. Read!
Fan-Fiction - Written by Felicia Rondo & Cluster, Rated: 18+, Published: January 25, 2024
After the events of Archie Sonic issue #151, Sonic is in the awkward position of having to explain to Bunnie that he wasn’t the one she kissed that night - but do they have to keep it that way, or is there another way this could end? Read!